chinese medicine is a holistic system of medicine based on the principle that energy, Qi, is the life force and foundation of the universe, that flows through every living being
when Qi flows easily and is balanced, our health is good. when Qi is not flowing properly, easily or has become reduced or imbalanced for some reason, our health will suffer, and we can experience disharmony, stress, and disease
acupuncture is one of the key treatment methods utilised to access and influence the flow of Qi in order to restore, harmonise and release its flow within the organs and throughout the body. fine needles are inserted at specific points in the body, head, face or ears which access the Qi in the various meridians that flow throughout the body - find out what happens during a treatment here
other healing chinese therapies include dry cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, electro acupuncture and tuina. find out more about these here
the use and efficacy of acupuncture has been endorsed by the world health organisation for many decades - and has recommended acupuncture for over 100 conditions. there have been many research studies which support the use of acupuncture as a healing therapy - for more information about conditions treated with acupuncture click here
neena thakkar BSc(hons) Lic Ac
MBA, LLB(hons)
chinese medicine acupuncturist & herbalist
reiki master
gong & sound therapist
kundalini yoga teacher
MBAcC PSA accredited