your first acupuncture treatment: at your first consultation we will take a complete medical history, read your pulses, look at your tongue, and have an initial treatment to clear any energetic blocks. we put together an individual treatment plan.

please bring with you details of your medication, and any tests or scans you’ve had that may help us understand your medical history

how big are the needles and how do they feel? acupuncture needles are very fine ( about 1/20th the size and thickness of an injection needle) we use single-use sterile needles which come in sealed packs, which are then disposed of safely in accordance with health & safety requirements. you may not feel anything but when the needles connect with the Qi (energy) in the channels/meridians, people often feel a dull ache or a pulling or tingling sensation, as well as a deep sense of relaxation

you are always in charge so if at any time you want any needle taken out, it will be removed

how do you know if treatment is working? for musculoskeletal issues such pain in joints, you may notice a reduction in pain after the first treatment although for more chronic/long-terms issues, it may take a few more treatments

you may notice a change after 1-3 days after treatment

improvements in your sleep, digestion, energy levels, and a sense of well being

pregnant or trying to get pregnant? It's generally safe to have acupuncture when you're pregnant. However, please let us know if you're pregnant because certain acupuncture points cannot be used safely during pregnancy. We will discuss your needs with you and whether it would be appropriate for you

what to eat/drink before your treatment? please have something light to eat before your treatment. avoid eating a large meal within an hour of your appointment as you may need to lie on your stomach. please avoid alcohol and/or drugs before and after your treatment

will we contact your doctors? what should you tell my doctors? it is up to you if you want to tell your medical doctor about the treatment. generally we won’t contact your GP or medical team except in an emergency

how we manage your data we will collect and retain limited data about you as necessary for treatment and management of our treatment. read our privacy policy here

download patient information : FAQs acupuncture cupping gua sha moxa

how many treatments will you need? whilst this depends on your symptoms but usually, weekly sessions are recommended for the first 4-6 weeks, and depending on your progress, they can either reduce in frequency or cease altogether. we will review your progress regularly with you

are there any side effects? possible side effects include feeling tired after treatment, light headed, feeling sick, bruising or slight bleeding at the site of the needle insertion, feeling emotional during or after treatment, needing to use the bathroom, increased energy or a temporary worsening of symptoms for a few days (often referred to as a healing crisis)

what to do/not to do after a treatment:

DO rest! avoid high stress environments if possible. avoid strenuous exercise.

DO drink lots of water, rather than caffeine or alcohol

AVOID swimming, jacuzzis, steam room, sauna or a bath/shower for at least a few hours after treatment

is it safe? yes - we observe a strict professional code of practice set by the British Council for Acupuncture & the British Acupuncture Federation. All needles used are sterile and disposable. You are still eligible to donate blood if you’re receiving acupuncture.

what about medication? DO NOT stop taking medication without your doctor’s guidance. acupuncture treatment may enable you to reduce or even stop taking some forms of medication but you should always consult your doctor regarding any change of prescription

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what to wear/what to take off ? usually only part of your body will need to be exposed, such as your arms and legs. It helps to wear loose clothing, shorts, and sleeveless tops. sometimes we may ask you to undress down to underwear. we have gowns for your comfort and to minimise exposure, and preserve your dignity at all times.