
gua sha


electro acupuncture

dry cupping therapy is a treatment method where glass or acrylic cups are applied the skin and/or acupuncture points, using a pump or fire to create suction. It has been used in traditional chinese medicine and ayurveda for many years to alleviate different symptoms but particularly in removing toxins, restriction of movement ( such as frozen shoulder, joint pain, gout) and can also provide the equivalent effects of deep tissue massage. in traditional Chinese medicine terms, it helps to remove stagnation and stimulate the free flow of Qi through the body where the Qi has been disrupted or disturbed, causing stagnation (blockages) or imbalances in an area of the body. read the cupping fact sheet here

gua sha loosely translates to scraping, rubbing or pushing. it is an ancient technique that has been used to relieve acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation and release tension in areas where there is restricted movement caused when Qi becomes stagnant. with gua sha, an acupuncturist will use a smooth-edged tool to gently scrape these areas of your body to help improve circulation and promote healing. it is also useful in releasing heat from the body and is often used as an aid for those in peri menopause and menopause

read the gua sha fact sheet here

moxa or moxibustion therapy is a form of therapy that entails the burning of  moxa, a herb also known as mugwort. this is a small, spongy herb that is believed to enhance healing. the leaves are burnt close to the skin’s surface using a moxa stick, or directly on the skin using moxa cones. its purpose is to strengthen and nourish the blood, stimulate the flow of Qi with heat, and help to maintain good health.

read the moxa fact sheet here

acupuncture needles are placed in the body and then connected together using small clips and a wire connected to a battery operated small device that delivers an gentle electrical impulses or current to the needles. this is most often used to treat painful joints and muscular skeletal issues as this type of treatment warms the muscles and can increase blood and Qi flow and help remove the blockages or stagnation. electro acupuncture may also be utilised in other treatments , depending on our assessment and suitability for you. we will always discuss this and any treatment with you first so you understand the rationale. electro acupuncture is not painful - it merely stimulates the needles and creates wider electrical field which can often help an area (like the lower back or abdomen) using fewer needles

traditional chinese medicine diagnosis is based on assessment of yin/yang; heat/cold, excess/deficiency and internal/external imbalances within the body

treatment is based on the symptoms, pulse and tongue analysis.

five elements acupuncture primarily addresses the emotional side of the person to restore balance, health, and harmony. the five elements- fire, earth, metal, water and wood each are the key components of all life on earth. at certain times, one element may be more imbalanced and identifying and correcting this imbalanced element will bring harmony to all the elements, and the mind body and spirit. diagnosis of imbalances is based on assessment of pulse and tongue analysis and observation.

integration of tcm and five elements provides a complete wholistic treatment of mind body and spirit